Purpose Of Loan
Finsafe Advisors Pvt Ltd does not consider any cause to be unworthy for a loan. There are no set restrictions on the reason for seeking a loan, other than the obvious condition that the money is not to be used for any illegal or prohibited purpose under Indian laws. Loan requests are for many purposes like:
- for undertaking a professional course
- to provide for child’s education
- for weddings and family functions
- for financing a vacation
- to refinance Credit Card dues
- for down payments for cars, bikes etc
- for home purchase, renovations and refurbishing
- to consolidate ongoing loans
- to cover for the period while moving from one job to another (subject to valid offer letter available from the new company)
- for any medical emergencies
The list is not exhaustive as life can put forth various kinds of challenges that could require sudden fund requirements and hence the need to borrow.